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This Blog Is Dead

Just like its blogger's hopes and dreams.

Surviving the affair....the cheaters perspective

I cheated. Yip I did it, I am not proud of it, but that won't change a thing. This is my story of me trying to survive one day at a time. No guarantees....


Poetry, story and real life. Once soldier, busnessman, grandfather and Poet.

Walter Bright

Refining theological understanding. Sharpening ethical rigor. Heightening devotional intensity.

One Mountain at a Time

personal anecdotes on keeping faith, hope, and love during life’s most challenging times

The Journey

My weightloss journey - the final cut!

The Abuse Expose' with Secret Angel

A blog reaching out to victims of abuse and others in need, providing insight about abuse, hope for the future, and guidance to see THE LIGHT that lead Secret Angel out of the darkness of her own abusive situation and helped her to not only survive but to overcome.

Just A Small Town Girl...

Just your average 32 year old diagnosed with E.W.S. at birth... AKA Excessive Writing Syndrome :)


UN-happening all the bad.. Finding the great!

Out Where the Buses Don't Run

A glimpse into the life of a so-called "writer."

style sprite

A spirited documentation of my personal style.

FASHION du jour

| where life & style meet


Distinctly modern jewelry handmade with ❤︎

Styling On The Edge

Style, Trends, Fashion, Technology